Amogh Azadirachtin
Amogh Azadirachtin
(Azadirachtin indica 300-50,000 PPM- Repellant, Antifeedant, Insect growth regulator & oviiposition deterrent.)
AMOGH is formulation is a botanical pesticide based on neem seed kernel ingredients emulsifiable concentrate formulation.
Azadirachtin alongwith triterpenoids & limenoids It is excellent broad spectrum control o Aphids, Jassids, White Flies, Beetles, Caterpillars, Cutworms, shoot and Fruit Borers includin Bollworms etc. on cotton., paddy, vegetables, pulses, oil crops, fruit trees, sugarcane, millets and tea plantations.
1 Lit.of AMOGH 50000 is diluted in 500 L. water and sprayed in 1 Ha, 1-1.5 Litres of AMOGH 10000 PPM is deluted in 500 L. water and sprayed in 1 Ha., 2.5 Lit. of AMOGH 3000 PPM is diluted in 500 -750 L. water and Sprayed in 1 Ha, 1.5-2.5 / 2.5-5.0 Lit. of AMOGH 1500 PPM is diluted in 500-1000 L. water and and sprayed in Ha. and 2.5 Lit. of AMOGH 300 PPM is diluted in 500 L. water and sprayed in 1 Ha. at the time of hatching of eggs and appearance of young stages of insect pests. Repeat the spray after 15 days in intervals depending on pest populations.
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