Special Liquimix
Special Liquimix
The Special Liquimix treatment on draw frame cots will last for 3 to 5 weeks or even more, which is certainly a great improvement over the normal types of varnishes available in the market at present, which do not last for more than 4 to 8 hours. The revolutionary surface treatment that improves the performance of top rollers.
The liquimix treatment will, therefore, offer the following significant advantages:-
- 5-6% increase in draw frame production due, practically, to no stoppages for varnishing.
- Reduced roller lappings over longer periods ensure better quality of silver.
- Elimination of the tedious job of varnishing the draw frame top rollers once- or twice a shift.
- No significant increase in the total annual cost for the liquimix treatment. In other words, all the above advantages may be realised with no increase in the annual cost for varnishes.
Instructions for application :
Liquimix is a two component compound. : liquimix-1 & liquimix-2:
- Mixing ratio: 1:3 (one measure of liquimix 1 to three of liquimix 2).
- Mixture must be used within 11/2 hours.
- Application: clean and dry the top rollers thoroughly. Mek, ctc or petrol may be used for cleaning. Better results are achieved if application is performed after grinding.
- Clamp the top roller in a slow rotating lathe or a grinding machine and apply liquimix with a brush carefully.
- Do not allow droplets to be formed on the surface of top rollers.
- Drying time for liquimix treated cots : 8 hours. During this time, do not rest the top rollers on their treated surface
- Wax deposits noticed on cots after a few hours working may be gently wiped off by a soft cloth dipped in carbon tetrachloride or petrol.
Precautionary Measures:
- Liquimix 1 must only be poured slowly into dry containers to avoid splash.
- Liquimix must be used in a well ventilated room.
- Always use gloves during application. Gloves are supplied by us.
- Liquimix 1 reacts aggressively to water, alcohol and ketonic products.
- Store liquimix in a cool, dark place.