Roff Fevimate PA

Roff Fevimate PA
With the thorough knowledge of the varied aspects of the market, we have been able to provide the customers with a commendable assortment of Roff Fevimate PA. Sourced from authentic vendors, the range strictly complies with the international quality standards. Extensively used in diverse sticking applications, the range offers excellent binding.
Further, the range is acknowledged for the following attributes:
Fast fixing rate
Excellent waterproofing
Anti-shrink properties
Tiles fixed dry, directly - no soaking, no mess
Thin bed of 3-6 mm
Good work ability/application
Technical details of the range are:
Appearance: White viscous liquid
Open time: 10 - 15 min at 30°C
Pot life: 60 min at 30°C
Specific gravity: 1.01 ± 0.02
Shelf life: 12 months in pack sealed conditions
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