Recron 3S

Recron 3S
We are a prominent enterprise, which is engaged in offering Recron 3S to the respectable clients. The offered range is considered as brittle and weak in tension. These products develop cracks during curing, owing to thermal expansion and contraction over a period of time. The offered range is widely appreciated among the clients for its high compressive strength, stiffness, low thermal and electrical conductivity and low combustibility and toxicity. Our associates Reliance ensures to use sophisticated technology such as recron 3s, a specialty secondary reinforcement material developed after extensive research at technology center.
PCC & RCC, plastering
Shot create & ginning
Slabs, footings, foundations, walls and tanks
Pipes, burial vaults and pre-stressed beams
Concrete blocks, railway slippers and manhole covers & tiles
Roads & pavements
Bridges and dam
Controls cracking:
Avoids any shrinkage cracks that are formed during curing, making the structure/plaster/component inherently stronger
Arrests cracking caused by volume change (expansion & contraction):
Reduces water permeability
Avoids water or moisture to enter and migrate throughout the concrete:
Aids in avoiding corrosion of steel, which is utilized for primary reinforcement in the structure, improving the longevity of the structure
Reduces rebound loss and brings direct saving & gain:
Recron 3s lessens rebound "splattering" of concrete and shot create
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