Gola capsula

Gola capsula
The GALO capsule is made from the Tinospora cordifolia stems powder. The Tinospora cordifolia stem is one of the best herb known to boost immune system. The Galo capsule is useful in stomach ulcer, urinary disorders, jaundice, gout, acne, psoriasis, eczema, cancer, auto-immune disorders, general debility, anemia, cough, fever, swine flue, dyspepsia, acidity, diabetes, syphilis, bronchitis, piles, biliousness, viral hepatitis, arthropathies, general weakness, glandular swellings, cancer, oligospermia, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiac debility, hepatic fibrosis, etc. The recommended dosage is two capsules twice a day. The packaging available in a plastic bottle of 80 capsules. The price can be given upon order quantity request.