Binary High Pressure

Binary High Pressure
Binary High Pressure Analytical HPLC System adopts high pressure gradient style with dual pump and can use manual programming through large screen display. Binary High Pressure Analytical HPLC System can also write programs through working station, which can change gradient procedure at any time to achieve the ideal gradient elution effect. Binary High Pressure Analytical HPLC System is not only suitable for common products testing, but also the liquid phase chromatography analysis.
Features :
Available in various detectors such as UV-Visible, PDA, RI, ECD, ELSD
Available with autosampler or Manual injector
Binary High Pressure Semi-preparative HPLC System : This system adopts high pressure gradient style with dual pump. It includes two infusion pumps and UV-visible detector, which are used for on-line testing. It is also used for laboratory’s small scale preparation. The preparative process enlargement researches and purifies the polypeptide and so on.
Binary Preparative Liquid Phase Separation and Purification System for Laboratory Scale : It can solve semi-preparative and other small scale products purification, the loading volumes can be achieved to grams to meet with laboratory’s needs and research. Flexible system configuration is used for 10-50mm pre-packed column and axial compression column.
Ternary Preparative Liquid Phase Separation and Purification System for Large Scale : This system includes two high pressure preparative pumps. It can realize the high pressure gradient operation and can also equip with one unit of preparative sampling pump to satisfy with large volume in demand. All GLP can accumulate the number of stroke of plunger piston.
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