Replica Dagger

Replica Dagger

The dagger is weapon more large that a knife and more short that a sword.
The daggers are fight plain weapons with double edge and guard for to protect the fist.
The daggers were weapons that take women as protection and were used as secondary weapons for to complement the sword.
The first daggers appear in Bronze Age and theirs made with materials as bones, ivory and silex.
The daggers were feared weapons in hands of its high capacity to wound.
- Light and hard blade.
- Riveted pommel.
- Hardness blade: 44- 48 HRC.
- Carbon steel CSN 14260 (DIN 54 SiCr 6).
- Grip wrapping: Green leather.
- Blade tip: blunt-rounded.
- Blade sharpness: 3mm - blunt - standard.
- Total length: 31, 5 cm.
- Blade length: 19 cm.
- Guard length: 7, 5 cm.
- Weight: 0, 5 Kg.

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