Organic Fertilizers
Organic Fertilizers
We provide 100 % Organic Fertilizers that are duly certified by Vedic Organic Certifying Agency (VOCA). Organic Fertilizers, offered by us, are 100% Biodegradable, residue free, and completely organic by production method. The effect of Organic fertilizers, offered by us, can be seen in 1 to 3 days that remain effective for a period of 20 to 22 days from date of application. Availability : AMINO ACIDS 25 � (The main protein for crops)ORGANIC NPK 4-4-4 (Made as per the Bio available absorption strength of the crops)BIO PHOS � (A complete replacement for SSP/ TSP / DAP)BIO POTASH (A complete replacement for MOP and SOP)BIO CALMAG � (A complete replacement for CAN) Dosage : Only 2ml per liter of water for foliar Spray and Canal Irrigation. Whereas, the dosage for Drip Irrigation method is 3ml / Ltr. Features : Provide better Cash CropsAdd more weight to CropsYield more fruitsProvide close to double returnsGive a new shiny look of the fruit/ cash cropMake crop fresh to eatEasily absorbed by plants through leaves, shoots and roots
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