Bitumen & Felt Testing Equipments

Bitumen & Felt Testing Equipments
Bitumen & Felt Testing Equipments
Our clients can avail from us an extensive array of Bitumen & Felt Testing Equipments that are available in different sizes, dimensions and helps us to meet the diverse requirements of the customers. These are widely used in highway departments, engineers and testing laboratories. Our ranges of these are checked stringently by quality analysts to ensure that defect free range is supplied to our customers. They are known for strength, high durability and longer service life.
The range comprises following instruments:
Standard Tar Viscometers
Hard Drying Time Apparatus
Centrifuge Extractor
Englar Viscomete
Pliability Tester for Bitumen Felt
Distillation Apparatus of cut back Bitumen
Ductility Testing Machine
Storage Sticking Tester
Road Unevenness Indicator
Penetration Kit
Breaking Strength Tester
Asphalt Plank Indentation Tester
Hardness Tester forastic Asphalt
Determination of Napthalane in Tar & Bitume
Ring and Ball Apparatus
Spray Tester
Bitumen Extrator
Marshall Apparatus
Pressure Head Tester
Loss on Heating Test
Hubbard - Field Apparatus
Extension Tester
Floar Test ApparatuZ
Film Stripping Device
Benkelmen Beam Adhesiveness Test of Bituminous Compound
Haveem Stabilometer
Heat Resistance Tester Pour Point of Bituminous Compound
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