G Koff Syrup
G Koff Syrup
G-Koff Syrup
G-Koff Syrup is a premium quality Ayurvedic Cough Syrup with several medicinal benefits like :
- Soothes inflamed & congested mucosa
- Eases Expectoration
- Relieves Bronchial Spasms
- Reduces Frequency & Severity of Cough
- Total Freedom with no sedation.
Each 5 ml. Contains liquid ext. of :
Mulethi Glycyrrhiza glabra 200 mg.
Banbasha Viola odorala 150 mg
Tulsi Ocimum sanctum 200 mg.
Kantkari Solanum surattense 150 mg.
Talis Patra Abies webbiana 100 mg.
Sunthi Zingiber offcinale 100 mg.
Pippli Piper longum 75 mg.
Vasa Adhatoda vasico 75 mg.
Shati Hedycium spicatrum 75 mg.
Pudina Satva Mentha spicata 5 mg.
Honey 0.75 mg.