GHD Overload Relays
GHD Overload Relays
GHD Overload Relays
GHD Overload Relays are compact in design. They also have bimetallic elements, which are calibrated and tested for precise operation. Their tripping curve is similar to GK-1 type of relays except that they operate on differential mechanism technique. Resetting of GHD Relay can be done both manually or automatically.
Range (0.3 - 0.48A) to (22 - 30A)
Contact System:
The silver alloy contacts provide good weld resistant characteristics and have a long electrical life. They are bounce free when closed and have been tested for millions of operations. Precisely tested Auxiliary Contact block operating 'BREAK BEFORE MAKE' principle can be provided for control and interlocking purposes.
Coil & Magnet System:
Coils are designed to withstand wide voltage variations and consume less power. They are moulded by DMC material thus resisting moisture and physical damage. Laminated 'E' & 'I' stampings are used for construction of magnet. Shading rings are provided for quiet operations.
Easy maintenance and Flexibility:
The main contacts can be easily accessed ands inspected by removing the screws of the arc chamber without disturbing the electrical wiring or altering the contactor mounting position. The unique feature of these type of contactors is that they have common physical mounting dimensions & are flexible, in the sense that they can be electrically upgraded from 16A to 25 A or 40A & vice-versa just by changing the contact system.
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