How to increase pH without increasing TDS and Alkalinity

How to increase pH without increasing TDS and Alkalinity

How to increase pH without increasing TDS and Alkalinity

Chemtex Speciality Limited processed product- In boiler water treatment pH has served as a major issue that needs to be monitored and maintained. It can simply be done by adding any alkali salt or solution, but this leads to another serious issue in the treatment which is rise in TDS and alkalinity. This is because, higher the TDS = higher the chances of scaling. So, in order to keep the TDS in control, a product is necessary that can increase the pH of boiler water without causing any effect to the TDS and alkalinity of boiler water. To be able to achieve such a solution, Chemtex Speciality Ltd offers its range of pH booster chemicals that do not add TDS but increases the pH of water.

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