Steam Boiler

Thermal-Max Steam Boiler
Smoke tube type system boiler with three pass fully wet back design, suitable for coal / agro waste / oil / gas fuel.
Salient Features:
•Factory-assembled horizontal package boiler.
•Less site work & quick commissioning
•Suitable for coal, wood & briquetted fuel.
•Manual firing – less complexity.
•Large integral furnace – minimum heat loss.
•High turn-down ration.
•End to end visibility of tubes.
•Easy access for inspection & cleaning.
•Quick and easy ash removal.
•Low excess air burners, imported / indigenous.
Capacity : Oil Fired – 500 kg./hr. to 8000 kg./hr.
Solid Fuel Fired – 500 kg./hr. to 6000 kg./hr.
Pressure : 10 kg./cm2 to 35 kg./cm2